What is a Handheld Pulse Oximeter and How Does It Work
Introduction: Handheld pulse oximeters have revolutionized the world of healthcare, providing a remarkable way to monitor vital signs with ease and convenience. In this article,
Introduction: Handheld pulse oximeters have revolutionized the world of healthcare, providing a remarkable way to monitor vital signs with ease and convenience. In this article,
A study conducted by the University of Zhejiang on 30 participants with varying skin pigments revealed that the accuracy of pulse oximeters depends on skin pigmentation, particularly when combined with low oxygen saturation levels. However, the Utruemed® oximetry with clip sensor wasn’t affected by skin pigmentation based on the results of this study.
Floor 3, DELUX Science Park Office Building, No. 8, East Lanzhu Road, Pingshan District 518118,ShenZhen, China.
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